Con Amor: With Love | Teen Ink

Con Amor: With Love

December 20, 2018
By BrandonLucioLopez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
BrandonLucioLopez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A big round of applause for Mel L. for her spectacular article, “ Con Amor “ because it is so relatable to my life. I really like helping mom my cook when she get from work because i know that she is tired and can’t do everything by herself. My mom always told me that when you put love into your cooking it's one of the best ingredients. I can relate with Mel when her mom told her , “ Ayudame con la mesa “ ( Line 9). I agree with the article because without love the food can get a sour taste or you might even do the food wrong . Thank you mel for proving that without love the food doesn’t taste the same .  

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