A piece in the game | Teen Ink

A piece in the game

October 15, 2019
By AdrianI BRONZE, Beaverton, Michigan
AdrianI BRONZE, Beaverton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Wisdom is found not in the minds of men, but on the pages of the stories they have written

The sky was black with thick smoke, making the mid day seem as though it would never happen. Loud roars and hisses filled the air, creating a musical of supernatural war. All around me were the clash of sword blades against shields, and the angry chatter of restless soilders, demon and titan alike. My thoughts raced wildly, questioning everything about this chaos.

   How could three peoples, so alike, fight against each other in a time that they should be working together? The gods and demons stood shoulder, ready to lay waist to every titan that stood before them. The loud drum of devil forge steel against the rocky soil rang out across the field, astablishing our intent, challenging the titans to make the first move, tawnting the enemy to start a fight that in my heart I knew would never end.

The author's comments:

this is a piece from my book, which is still in progress. If you have any questions, just comment. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy


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