I am not | Teen Ink

I am not

March 15, 2021
By bellaboyd22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
bellaboyd22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear future me, 

Look back on this when you feel lost, in the shadows, or confused on your path. 

You are not worthy of people who take advantage of you. You’ve had friends in the past who have dropped you for whatever is this week’s “best”. You can’t let them tie you down. You can’t hang around for them and let them come back when something doesn’t work out for them. I know you remember the pain in your heart from this, which is why you are not someone who takes things from people without permission. 

You are not an angry person. Holding a grudge, is like living in the past 24/7. You need to forgive yourself, and others for what they have done and release the bad energy. If you want to become a better you, learning to grow from past events and absorb key takeaways.

You are not afraid of what is to come. Fear and anxiety will overcome you if you don’t act on it. In life there will be moments that may seem terrifying, but if it is something you want to achieve in the end, you need to strive for greatness. 

You are not regretful, sure there might be some things that you look back on and think oh I wish I would have done this instead, but you wouldn’t be who you are today without those episodes in your life. 

You are not willing to change yourself in hopes someone will accept you. If someone cannot appreciate you then they are not for you. “Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.” 

You are not perfect. No one is. The world perfect is an unimaginable reality for every person. You need to remember to love you for you, and be proud of what you know and who you are. Be proud of your accomplishments daily, even if they’re small. 

You need to know who you are NOT, in order to blossom into who you ARE. 

The author's comments:

This piece was very near close to me because I wrote from personal experiences. I think this piece captures the fact that I know who I am, because I know who I am not. 

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