My last day alive | Teen Ink

My last day alive

July 4, 2024
By chrisonrecord BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
chrisonrecord BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

I left for college and as on the bus I felt appreciation for the conductor,
How despite his boring and tedious job he managed to be nice to everyone,
I felt appreciation for the driver as he took us safely to college everyday.

I came to college and felt bad for my economics teacher,
How i slept in her class all the time and she let me,
She never complained but still encouraged me to give right answers in class.

I felt grief for my benchmate as he would no longer have a benchmate who he could make dumb jokes with
He no longer would have someone he could share his tiffin with,

I finished college and was on the way home in the bus,
I saw the sun setting and felt bad for the sun that he would not be able to say goodbye to me tomorrow.

I came out of the bus and i went to the local snack vendor,
I realised he will have one less source of income from tomorrow.

As i was walking home i realised the city would have one less person who would appreciate it,
It would have one less person it could rely on who'd not litter the streets.

I got home and did my homework,
it was tedious but i did as i realised this was the last time i would be doing it.

i ate dinner and sat down and watched a video,
i felt happy and sad for the creator that he had inspired a person but that person would no longer be alive.

I got on my bed to sleep and realised i hadnt died yet,
When would I die?
I was up till 1,
Growing appreciation for the fan,
I was up till 3,
feeling proud for the ceiling for not coming down for so many years,
I was up till 5,
when i realised,
this wasn't my last day alive,
this was my last day existing,
now it was my first day living!

The author's comments:

I am a 17 year old student from India. I love to read and write, and I was told to try and publish some of my works, so I have tried to submit one of my most recent works.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 20 2024 at 3:17 pm
MyHomeIsPluto, Robertsville, Missouri
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I really like this. It made me cry and realize how important it is to appreciate everything around you.