Sophomore | Teen Ink


July 7, 2024
By ieatspagetti BRONZE, Glendale, California
ieatspagetti BRONZE, Glendale, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I watch your tear stained eyes

I blinked away; Don't make me cry

Dripping with water

We laugh ourselves out the lake

Ignoring the rocks

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

You sway and twist with mold and decay

And flies sit on your rotting hands

Juice flows out your bleeding glands

The dazzling Sun your last display

As I watch your snot marked nose

The Moon came out, waxing her prose

Summer’s lease— too short a date

I get up early; I find I’m late

Running through this empty hall

I fear your horse has grown too tall

In the windows above, the sky stagnates

The sky is clear now

It’s vibrant and sunny now

I wish you were too

As I watch your bile-soaked lips

I wonder when it all caved in

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