Stranger Days Than Usual. | Teen Ink

Stranger Days Than Usual.

July 21, 2009
By OBBreezy12 GOLD, Manchester, Connecticut
OBBreezy12 GOLD, Manchester, Connecticut
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

here there is neither sense of life or joys.
But your watch suddenly ticks like an amplified heart.
A new crack in the pavement.
My mind is filled with wonder.
It remembers yesterday of a love so pure and true.
I am in a thousands winds that blow.
My conscience now I’ve left behind.
People never go crazy.
What truly horrible lives they must lead.
I grow old under an intensity of questioning looks.
My tongue is filling up my mouth.
And yet I am, above the vaulted sky.
Your friend, the morning sun, has turned its dark side toward you.
Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?

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