Nightmares or Reality? | Teen Ink

Nightmares or Reality?

June 30, 2010
By lucyj715 SILVER, Saint Ann, Missouri
lucyj715 SILVER, Saint Ann, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Wishing is fine to do, but don't expect it to happen, unless you take a stand and try to MAKE it happen."

The way that your eyes pierce my heart. 
Make me cry out, and wake with a start. 
Tears are leaking from my wide startled eyes. 
And I reach for a pillow to muffle my cries. 
The black empty eyes full of anger and hate.
Are making me tremble, as I recall your curse on my fate. 
The words were harsh, full of metal and steel. 
You pay no heed to the pain I'm beginning to feel. 
You remind me of things buried in the back of my head. 
The look on your face fills my body with dread. 
You step to my side, your wings brushing my face. 
My paralyzing fear holds me rooted in place. 
The cruel whispered words you say in my ear. 
Make your hatred of me painfully clear.
Someday you'll pay. You'll pay with your soul. 
Your eyes sucking me into a depressing dark hole. 
I see you step away,  look back once, and fly.    
My heart is still racing and I begin to drop from the sky.
The clouds rushing past as I continue my fall. 
As I remember the scene I curl up in a ball. 
I struggle against the exhaustion trying to  force me to rest.  
Because I know you'll be waiting to put my strength to the test. 
I know that I cannot resist for too long. 
I'm praying that soon God will help me be strong. 

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after I experienced the same nightmare every night for 3 weeks. It pretty much tells you exactly what I dreamt and felt after waking up.

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