Ghosts | Teen Ink


May 1, 2011
By Independent GOLD, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota
Independent GOLD, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota
12 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every second is a chance to turn your life around.<br /> Sometimes you have to be your own hero.<br /> You were born an original; don&#039;t die a copy.<br /> Smile. It kills them to see you happy.

You're trapped inside a world,
where best is better than you.
You're trapped inside a game,
where it's only possible to lose.
I'm driving you insane
by simply moving on.
You're losing me forever,
for me are almost gone.
I'm invisible to everyone,
but only to you do I appear.
I've seen you crying for me lately,
and I'm sorry for you, dear.
I didn't die on purpose,
I was taken away by fate.
Don't trouble yourself with worry,
please, I beg you, wait.

The author's comments:
This is a poem I wrote based on a ghost or someone who's passed away 's perspective.


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