Daughters of vengeance | Teen Ink

Daughters of vengeance

June 23, 2011
By Dawnzy15 SILVER, Belize CA, Other
Dawnzy15 SILVER, Belize CA, Other
6 articles 1 photo 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
Waza!<br /> Let me be.<br /> Don&#039;t try to change me just love me and accept me! I love me and I love you... So just love me.

The subtle behavior of man,
Is something women must take hand in hand.
She must know how to stand,
To fight; women must defend…
Defend the one thing that keeps them higher than men…
Their heart.

Just stand and stare at how men abuse the woman of her heart
Look as he uses her kind heart and turns it bitter
He poisons her with lies and hurt
He sinks his cruelty further and further…

She falls to her knees in sorrow
She looks at the man in horror
She wonders if his heart was only borrowed
She now walks in terror

My fair maiden stand…
My fair ladies dry those tears…
My humble servants fight…
The man will get his due.
You will flourish as an everlasting flower.

You won’t need anyone to keep you radiant.
For you are all beautiful and you will all
Be mistaken as the daughters of Venus.
But no you are the daughters of warriors, grace, and kindness
And revenge…

We must defend our own kind!

The author's comments:
This poem is something I wrote in order to try and give some hope for women who've been victims of physical,emotional and verbal abuse. I for one lived in a house where by my mother was suffering from verbal abuse which then lead to physical abuse because she didn't do anything about the problem.


This article has 4 comments.

Aurora'sLife said...
on Mar. 25 2012 at 12:39 pm
I can connect to this poem. You are a writer that inspires and places hope in peoples heart. You words chosen where just write.

Aurora'sLife said...
on Mar. 25 2012 at 12:33 pm
Your poem is one that I can connect to. I am greatful for poets like you. You give me hope I love you poems.

deleted said...
on Mar. 25 2012 at 12:48 am
deleted, Miami, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 194 comments
GIRL POWER!! Haha but seriously this is really raw and powerful. It strips down all of the emotions to the core to show years of abuse men have given women. Whether it be the fact that women haven't even had rights in America for a century or the fact that relationships are too often abusive on the guys part, there is a lot they have to make up for and this shows it. Keep it up :)

DCM215 said...
on Jul. 11 2011 at 8:30 pm
No, it sounds realistic. It's like you're showing women to the right way: almost, to fight for love and peace, yet be careful for all the people whom are dangerous and will or could hurt you.