Suffering | Teen Ink


July 25, 2008
By Anonymous

So lonely it kills,
I feel like I'm dying;
No visible emotion,
But inside I keep crying.

Fear of rejection,
And unreturned feelings;
Keep me from loving,
Keep me from healing.

I want someone to love me,
So much that it hurts;
But fear and pain fell me,
I feel almost cursed.

I need that loving touch,
That warm-fuzzy sensation;
To ease my heart,
And subdue my frustration.

Reach out your hand,
Pull me in close;
Hold on to me tightly,
And never let go.

The author's comments:
This poem is me in a nutshell, I was never good at letting people know how I felt, so i wrote it. I wrote this particular poem as a means to reach out and express how I felt at the time.

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