A Careful Guy | Teen Ink

A Careful Guy

January 10, 2008
By Anonymous

I am a careful guy who always follows instructions.
I wonder if there are more people like
I see danger and I choose not to get involved.
I want to have less fear, get involved in a non-dangerous sport.
I am a careful guy who always follows instructions.

I pretend to be a fearless guy.
I feel the danger all over around me.
I worry if a car might run over me and kill me.
I cry if I get paralyzed because an accident.
I am a careful guy who always follows instructions.

I understand that I’m not invincible
I dream a place where there is nothing to bother
I try to show others how doing dangerous things can hurt you.
I hope people will accept me the way that I am.
I am a careful guy who always follows instructions.

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