The Dilemma | Teen Ink

The Dilemma

August 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Had I only thought twice…
As I was walking home late at night,
My heart started pounding with great fear and fright,
I heard…
The sounds of 2 coldhearted men beating on an innocent child with great anger and rage,
The cries of a young boy pleading for mercy,
Many pedestrians passed there,
But no one seemed to care

So there I stood with a fork in the road,
Bearing this heavy load,
If I act I might get caught in the riot,
Or should I just remain quite,
Having endured experiences in both joy and tears,
I was sure that my decision was well made for my years,
I decided to call the police and walk away,
Knowing that the guilt would always stay

The next day…as I routinely opened the morning newspaper,
The front cover glared at me with much shame and disgrace,
The headline read “Young Lad Brutally Murdered”,
My hands began shaking as I felt my body trembling,
Next to the title was a picture …a picture of my dear nephew,
If I only knew it was you,
I would have tried to save you,
Had I only thought twice…

The author's comments:
Today people are faced with countless decisions to make, but sometimes what we do not realize is that sometimes when bad decision are made, they may not only affect us but also the people we care about and our loved ones.

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