Childhood Days | Teen Ink

Childhood Days

August 28, 2008
By Anonymous

I had that dream again
You were here again
You could breathe again
And we talked again
Memories surrounded me
Reminding me of how it used to be
In those childhood days
Before you went away

You and I laughed together
We thought we had forever
But then one day
You told me to go away
You seemed so down
You pushed me around
then I pushed you back
I heard your neck go crack
I hoped that you were faking
But my heart was still, it was breaking

Standing in the dark standing in the night
Looking up ahead, searching for the light
Sometimes I wonder, sometimes I worry
That the light at the end
Is a fast moving lorry
And soon it will hurdle, soon it will crash
Here it comes around that bend
Here it comes, my bloody end

The pain and sorrow you released
Caused tears that since have ceased
though my sorrow, disbelief and pain
To this day still remain
In my soul, in my heart
Though it is long since your depart
At least I know you do not suffer
3 weeks ago
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3 weeks ago

And each tear has made me tougher
But I still weep, I still sorrow
For you and I have no tomorrow.

If you were here again
And you could breathe again
We could talk again

Again and again and again memories surround me
Reminding me of those childhood days
Before you went away

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after someone I knew commited suicide.
It was a pretty painful time but I was able to use my writing as an outlet for that sorrow.

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