Passion of my heart | Teen Ink

Passion of my heart

August 28, 2008
By Anonymous

When the sun is shining
The warmth caresses me with a touch
That reminds me so much of you
Calmness descends, my heart is pure
And only one thought fills my head

To be with you
Whatever the journey, whatever the cost,
I must be with you now
And the morning is red
Painted with the passion of my heart

I relive the first time we kissed
Gentle intensity that I never want to end
Then I hold your hand
And I feel a completeness descend upon me
I am fused to your spirit, addicted to you

You are my heart, my life, my soul
So no journey is too hard to reach you
And travel I will, and we will unite
The landscape will be painted red
With the passion of our hearts.

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