Sweet Victory | Teen Ink

Sweet Victory

August 24, 2008
By Abbeee:) BRONZE, Moses Lake, Washington
Abbeee:) BRONZE, Moses Lake, Washington
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

I smirk as they all stop and stare.
I shoot back glances, "Try me, if you dare."
His arm around me
They cant help but see,
That with them, it never had a chance to last.
Anger flares as they realize to him
They're just the past.
Smiles and hugs, to my face,
But we know that really in each others backs,
There's a knife in place.
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer,
But I think its clear to see
that his arm, is wrapped around MY shoulder.

The author's comments:
Hey whats up?
Im Abby, and Im really glad that you read this piece of mine :]] I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
I wrote it as truth. Its about an incedent that happened in the lunch room this past school year. Me and my boyfriend (ex status now XP) were sitting there cuddling, and his ex comes up and starts talking to him and me. She had an overload of jealous written across her face. So I rubbed it in a little bit holding his hand, practically sitting in his lap with my head on his shoulder that kinda stuff, hahaha, she just left after awhile. Suckerr!! Well I wrote this poem that night after my display. Thought I'd share it with you, because all my other friends got a real kick out of it!
P.S- Ratings, comments ect. would be much appreciated.

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