Moving On | Teen Ink

Moving On

August 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Do you know what's wrong?
Do you know what's wrong with me?
Do you even know me?
I wish you would.

That is what's wrong with me.
I am still in love with you.
You are a jerk and you aren't
the strongest guy around.

You aren't very cute or nice
but I still love you.
WHY? Why can't I move on?
Your face is always buzzing in my head.
My mind and soul tell me to
move forward.
My heart tells me to stay.

How am I to move forward
when I don't know what is holding
me back? It could be your smile
but you don't smile often. It could
be that you are smart. i don't know.

It could be the mystery of not knowing
why I am still here. Your face just won't
let me move on and it is killing me. We talk occasionally but I want more.

You need to either give me more or let me go. Everytime we talk or argue,it gives me hope. I don't need it but I want it.

Please help me move on or keep me close. For even though you have done nothing, you have done everything.

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