something to never forget | Teen Ink

something to never forget

September 2, 2008
By Anonymous

He was mine,
I will never forget him
we used to play around
joke around
until she came...

when she came everything had changed
we hardly spoke to each other
we hardly did anything together anymore I can't stand hearing him say how much she's all this and that

it hurts me to know that he don't care about me anymore
no that I am leaving I don't think he will notice

but there is one thing that needs to go unsaid...

He will then look back and say "man was she really the on e who loved me?"

and I will think "does he look at her the way he looked at me?"

The author's comments:
I would like people to read this and know that there is always a silver lineing.
what had inspiered me was how my heart got broken and still hurts. I am native american and proud of it.

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