The Peak | Teen Ink

The Peak

June 9, 2013
By Heyitsme971 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Heyitsme971 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It started out light and peachy
We were two of a kind
Peas in a pod
You were mine
and I was yours

Then slowly this mask peeled back
To reveal an unknown face
A face that I've seen a glimpse of before
This glimpse was.. ugly and putrid
A shade that reminded me of my darkest fears
Colors of characteristics

Once upon a time a promise was a challenge
A challenge that you would strive to complete just to see me smile
And now I'm caught in this never ending maze of disappointment and empty promises

Once upon a time I could have shared my deepest worries and secrets with you
And now
Now I have a journal filled with a million secrets
Now I have a journal filled with a list of broken promises and dates where I've had my heart broken

Once upon a time we had it all
You were mine
And I was yours
Two peas in a pod
Best friends yet lovers at the same time

It's funny how love works
As much as I'd love to run
I can't
We've had too many good times
Yet, just as many bad
I can't push myself to throw this away

Even though this journey was
Amazing while it lasted
It's time to say
Something I should've said long ago
We've reached the zenith of a great ride
And as much as it kills me
I must say

The author's comments:
My writings are not based on my personal experiences. They are more inspired by a combination of other peoples situations and whatever my mind can come up with to fill in the missing pieces.
This piece was inspired by a relationship that had ups and downs. That's really it.
This piece is formatted like a poem/speech. How the lines are placed is how the dialogue would be presented.

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