A brave animal | Teen Ink

A brave animal

February 11, 2014
By Kourtney Nelson BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
Kourtney Nelson BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A dog is a mans best friend. Not fully true.
A dog has many qualities that make
A living thing a dog such as it's sense
Of smell and keen eyesight that makes a dog.

A dog is a mans best friend. Not fully true.
A dog is a courageous animal.
It helps veterans and the unseeing
It's brave and gentle when needed to be.

A dog is a mans best friend. Not fully true.
A dog is used for entertainment to
Such as jumping and doing tricks for crowds.
Hunting is also used with smart trained dogs.

A dog is a mans best friend. Not fully true.
Dogs can also be a child's bestest friend.
Dogs help children by helping them stay safe.
They can talk to you when you need some help.

A dog is a mans best friend. Not fully true.
A dog is like a friend that all people need.
It needs a lot of love just like people.
And a dog can be perfect plump pillow.

A dog is a mans best friend. Not fully true.
There are many things that make a dog unique.
A dog is used for entertainment to.
Dogs are a childs bestest friend in life.

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