True American Hero | Teen Ink

True American Hero

November 12, 2008
By Anonymous

What is a Hero?

Is it being thousands of miles away from your love?

Fighting in a foreign country you know little of.

Just thinking about the future and what the next day may bring.

Is it seeing death day by day?

And hoping the next bomb won't land your way.

As you shoot toward the enemy,

You pray for your family.

Thousands of miles away,

As they weep each night,

Weep each day.

Praying for your safety,

Praying for your bravery.

As the ones not affected lay fast asleep,

Not seeing the blood,

Not hearing the weep.

Just laying with no worries,

No need for tears,

Not knowing the years,

Some spent without their love.

Not feeling the emotional pain,

Of knowing each second of your life is on the line.

So you could sleep safely on your bed.

Safe and just fine.

Is that a hero?

Is that what it takes?

The Blood.

The Sweat.

The Pain.

The Heart.

A true hero gives more than he takes.

The thousands of tombstones speak louder than words.

On how they gave us their lives,

So we can give back te love,

And bury the hurt.

The author's comments:
This poetry is for anyone out there who has felt the emotional pain of missing a loved one.

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