High School | Teen Ink

High School

November 13, 2008
By Anonymous

You're High school years fly by so fast, one second your thinking about your future, the next thing you know your looking back on your past.
You think to yourself *man where did the years go?* Remembering how the years seemed to go by so slow.
What happened to those years, the mysterious yeasrs? They disappeared like some of your childish fears.
As you sit there and wonder about your past four years of high school.
You slowly remember all of your high school days. There's the sports and the dances, the home games and pepe buses, home coming week and most of all your prom nights.
your friends and best buddies, and the one's you used to fight.The teachers, and yes the work you dreaded so much. Some classes were, easy while others gave you more of a challenge, besides your favorite period of all, lunch.
But all of thoso got you one step closer, closer to the day you have finally made it to.
That day being your graduation day, when you get your diploma and walk out those doors one last time.
As you walk past the wishing well you toss in a dime, thinging to yourself *now it my turn to shine*

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