There Is More Than Here | Teen Ink

There Is More Than Here

May 16, 2015
By anniev1780 SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
anniev1780 SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have to be odd to be number one" - Dr. Suess

There is more than here
Past the walls--past them all
What I’m looking for is no where near
Promise awaits--I hear the cheers
But I don’t know how to get there--there is no call
There is more than here
These things here are just a smear
Of what lies ahead--the future is tall
What I’m looking for is no where near
I can’t say there is no fear
I know I will fall
But I’ll stay on track--past the peers

These people here could barely last a year
Their problems are just so small
What I’m looking for is no where near

What I need is clear
Out there I will not stall
There is more than here
What I’m looking for is no where near

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