For My Love | Teen Ink

For My Love

December 18, 2015
By ZephyrMori SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
ZephyrMori SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will never let you go

You are my love, you will always be mine.

I will endure everything I forgo

Because with you, everything is more than fine.


You are my love, you will always be mine.

No matter what, I'll be there for you, 

Bacause with you, everything is more than fine.

Even after what everyone will do.


No matter what, I'll be there for you, 

I will endure everything I forgo

Even after what everyone will do.

I will never let you go.

The author's comments:

Never underestimate some's love, because if they truly love you, they will never let go. 

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