The Creative Process | Teen Ink

The Creative Process

February 8, 2016
By damla2001tr SILVER, Princeton, New Jersey
damla2001tr SILVER, Princeton, New Jersey
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Did that sound to you like someone saying &#039;No, wait! Stop!&#039;?&quot; <br /> &quot;Huh...&quot; <br /> &quot;Oh well.&quot;

I'm staring at the paper,
A biro in my hand.
Thoughts race past
At cannonball speed.
Focus! - I'm sorry, I can't.

The minutes ticking by me,
Have turned night into day.
Trying to formulate
Character and plot.
Look! - it's late again.

Maybe some inspiration,
Will come from the neighbor's dog.
But all it does
Is howl and cry.
I guess that I was wrong.

I need to get some shut-eye,
A little rest - just 'till dawn.
Problem is:
I've been diagnosed
With a case of writer's block.

The author's comments:

The 'creative process' for this piece was actually very random: a split screen on my laptop with S01E07 of Teen Wolf on the left and a word document on the right. I have got to say, all the best ideas come when binge-watching your favorite TV shows. And it is definetely a way of avoiding the writer's block that the poor fellow in this poem has got himself tangled up in.

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