Response to Bright Star By John Keats | Teen Ink

Response to Bright Star By John Keats

December 11, 2016
By AkatsukiSwag SILVER, Sheridan, Wyoming
AkatsukiSwag SILVER, Sheridan, Wyoming
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Mother Teresa — 'If you judge people, you have no time to love them.'

Dull man who writes about me and his love

Do you think that I care about your kind?
Yes, indeed I see all from above,
But some girl’s chest’s the last thing on my mind.
I watch all of the tides, shores, and the fish
And the forest as it soaks and breathes
As you can imagine I do not wish
To watch two humans cuddle in the leaves.
But compared to the rest of your kind, you’re fine,
Their shameful deeds are endless and gross,
Their hatred like an ever growing vine,
It’s murder that I hate to see the most.
So keep in mind that I care about you not,
As I continue to watch your world rot.

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