Kill My Heart | Teen Ink

Kill My Heart

March 30, 2009
By Ashley392 SILVER, York, Alabama
Ashley392 SILVER, York, Alabama
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t seem to find the time
to understand the rhythm or rhyme
of this life or of this night
or the urge I have to be right
Not about everything; just about you
Because you were everything I ever knew
I knew being quiet was all I should
But all in all we were misunderstood
I had my reasons, I had my thoughts
But I was never aware of what it wrought
I look back and wonder to myself
Why my will upped and left
Was it just because I was not good enough?
Or was it from all that complicated stuff?
I’d like to think it was the latter of the two
And you actually felt the way I feel about you
I’m smarter than to let my guard down
You my silent killer, lurking without sound
And yet my heart is heavy with regret
Losing you is all I seem to fret

The author's comments:
This is to Charlie... I can't lose you

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