The Little Things | Teen Ink

The Little Things

March 22, 2016
By WhosKara PLATINUM, Milford , Massachusetts
WhosKara PLATINUM, Milford , Massachusetts
43 articles 8 photos 0 comments

She told me not to talk to you

And that you were, "no good"


I often wonder what would of happened if I did what she asked

And how Valentine's Day would have been

I am so glad I didn't do as told


She said you were "no good"

But everything with you has been great so far


What I like most about you, is learning the little things



I learned how you take your coffee

Hot, with extra cream and extra sugar

I learned that you like big stuffed animals

And that you prefer to sleep on your right side

I learned that you like those fudge striped cookies

I learned you love fries

I learned you love milkshakes,

But never strawberry, that's asking for trouble


I also learned what love is

And how two souls can connect

And as each little thing I learn grows to bigger things

Our connection will only grow stronger 


For Leah

The author's comments:

She makes me happy. 

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