To the Dove | Teen Ink

To the Dove

April 23, 2019
By Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
Marraiah SILVER, Palisade, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

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You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you do good. You do good? You win.

This is to the Dove

Who picked me up when others gave shove

And to the Dove

Who showed me Love

It was only your Love

That my heart was filled of

And it was only your hand

In which mine fit like a glove


On your bed we laughed

On the foor we smiled

We both agreed we'd be together a while

I promised if I lost You

I would find you

I would walk or crawl

No matter how many miles

No one could take you

And to whomever would try

I'd do something vile


But someone took you

To whom I could do nothing

For they took you to your room

When I saw I wished they were bluffing

But when I got closer

You weren't even huffing

Your lips were blue

And no air was puffing


I ran away

I sprinted home

I couldn't believe it

From the shock I felt fine

And to this day

Every single Night

If I try to sleep

I see You, the noose, and then I remember

You're no longer mine.

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