Glass | Teen Ink


October 10, 2019
By Lorb BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
Lorb BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The water is peaceful and still as a statue. 

No wind, no waves, 

just the rippling water from a distant fish jumping,

and the sound of boats going into TreeLands resort for the night. 

The water is home to mobs of flies. 

Constantly buzzing around our heads,

as we try to catch the monster 

of the lake. We are on the edge of our seats

 waiting for a bite.  

The water is like ice, 

crystal clear and smooth, 

making for nature’s canvas. 

Allowing Mother Nature to paint the sunset. 

The water is a bloody red,

and a bright orange tinge. 

Mother Nature elegantly creating, 

the stunning sunset before it dips behind the trees.

The author's comments:

This was written in creative writing class, it is describing a lake in the late evening and when the sun is setting. 

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