Colorado Mountain View | Teen Ink

Colorado Mountain View

October 10, 2019
By bkw-18 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
bkw-18 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What we see

I see huge rocks, all rainbow colors. I see a butterfly I wonder where its mom is.

I see huge mountains. I want to climb them. There is one rock I think I can reach, I see dad give me a nervous look.

I see the vibrant colors of the red rocks below. The independence monument is standing tall, how does it balance? I see my family, all in awe of the view.

I see my family getting along, all together in front of beautiful scenery. 

I see the history of the monument, and the people here before us, I see the beautiful natural formations. 

We see the beauty of the world we are in, we see each others big grin, as we stick up our chins. 

What we hear

Echo, echo, echo, I hear when I scream into the big rocks.

I hear my dad breathing heavy as I step closer and closer to the edge.

I hear the crunching of rocks from the hikers, climbing up the mountain. I hear my sister screaming echo as it slowly disappears into the distance.

I hear laughter and joy as everyone listens for their echo.

I hear the sounds of nature around me, the birds chirping, a bee buzzing, mixed in with my families chatter. 

We hear the echoes in the distance, disappearing, while we dread hearing the sound of school bells ringing.  

How we feel 

I feel like a happy butterfly, we are so high up but I am with my family

I feel adventurous and brave, I am not scared up here

I feel the breeze tickle my sweating skin. I want to see a mountain goat. I feel love and peace as I stand next to my family looking out at the view.

I feel happy and thankful, it is so easy to get wrapped up in life, this feels like paradise. 

I feel nervous my kids are standing so close to the edge, I feel grateful that we have this opportunity. 

We feel like a family, all in peace. We are at ease while we feel the breeze. We feel we are living the life, all around the wildlife. 

Back at home

This mountain view is not our fate,

Although we all are feeling great,

In all actuality,

We go back to reality.

This mountain view will stay in our head, every time we go to bed.

We won’t hear the echoes we locate, or have the Colorado mix we ate,

but we will make it back once again, before it’s too late. 

The author's comments:

Author’s note: Each sentence is a different view from a different person in my family. The first line is my 7 year old sister Josie, the second line is my 11 year old sister Addie, the third line is my mom and the fourth is my dad.

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