The Boy I Once Loved | Teen Ink

The Boy I Once Loved

November 5, 2019
By 1lorenz SILVER, Okauchee, Wisconsin
1lorenz SILVER, Okauchee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He looks like red, hot fire,

he sounds like flames and storms.

But when he says a single word,

his voice so gently warms. 

The color black makes perfect sense,

he has no light inside.

But when he smiled and said hello, 

my heart just shrieked and cried. 

He feels like death and pain,

the sound he blows within.

He whispers darkness in my ear,

then shouts with words of sin.

He looks like red, hot fire,

he sounds like flames and storms.

now when he says a single word,

my fragile heart deforms. 

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