First Responder | Teen Ink

First Responder

December 13, 2019
By ncatino0050 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
ncatino0050 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Football cleats engraved footprints

in the damp, green grass

the air cool, birds chirping in every ear.

He’s built like a tower.

Wide, strong, tall,

hovering over all the opponents 

tackling the bodies full of shield and sweat

doing whatever it takes to protect

his family.

But now, he has a new uniform.

Bulky, black, fireproof,

topped with a shielded helmet

guarding him from the scorching heat

coming from red and orange flames

gracing cement and brick building.

He hovers down,

crawling into the tightest spaces

filled with gray smoke

carrying human bodies

across his broad shoulders

saving yet another life.

Humble, brave, nurturing,

protecting everyone he sees.

My brother, my hero, everyone’s hero.

The author's comments:

Since I was little, my brother has always been there to protect everyone he knew. Whether it was his family, his fiance, his friends, his classmates, or his teammates, he was always there for everyone. My brother is one of the least selfish people I know. About 2 years ago, my brother became a firefighter and recently has become an EMT as well. This job is so fitting for him because he is very protecting of everyone. I am so proud of the things he does for us everyday and for his community.

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