Heaven's Art | Teen Ink

Heaven's Art

May 3, 2021
By Atharva-Joshi BRONZE, Birmingham, Other
Atharva-Joshi BRONZE, Birmingham, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think you absorb the light.
I see it in the way you close your eyes.
The way your soul seems to come alive.
You speak of the beauty of this scene, the sunset
Heaven’s art, you call it.
Yes, the amber skies, the bees,
Summer blossoms so pink on the trees.
My coward’s eyes linger on you
And I believe it, a woman
Of no faith; full faith in you.
Heaven’s art.

The author's comments:

Love poetry - is it my thing? That is the question.

Penned 3/05/21

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