Arfa Karim | Teen Ink

Arfa Karim

May 6, 2021
By zunaira_muhammad_hamid GOLD, Jubail Industrial City, Other
zunaira_muhammad_hamid GOLD, Jubail Industrial City, Other
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The one who had the honor of meeting Bill Gates,

She did a huge accomplishment at the age of nine,

Still she wasn't boastful, yet confident about herself,

at a young age she was mature, so refined,


She was a genius by birth becoming a child prodigy,

a fun-loving girl who cared about the underprivileged,

A normal and a humble little girl just like us,

she had a lot to care about besides her image,

A playful and a charming personality that we all know,

The genius who's name is in Guinness World Record,

She died at sixteen from epileptic seizure,

but still by many people she's adored,


A tower is named after that girl,

to honor the one who became the youngest Microsoft certified professional,

Even many years after her death people still remember her,

she was a lively personality, a girl so incredible,

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