My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

January 10, 2022
By 31fohey BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
31fohey BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Noah. 4 letters. short and sweet. Coming from the Hebrew word Noach, meaning rest or repose. Sometimes sad like the blue of the rushing waters of a flood. or as peaceful as the blue sky after a rainy day. 


My name means rest. My dad had an influence on this. Even though he does have his fair share of naps, he works hard. He started his painting company at just 18 years old. has been working ever since. But My name means almost the opposite of what my dad is.


The opposite of what my dad is. I enjoy relaxing in the moment but then later feel like I wasted my day. I could sleep all day, In fact. My dad on the other hand, not so much, he’ll even get mad at me for sleeping too much.

My mom told me that I was never supposed to be named Noah. Sheand my dad always had my middle name as Thomas. that was my grandpa’s name. Originally they had my name as Sawyer.

Sawyer. not my favorite name. and my parents would agree. They thought that Sawyer Thomas sounded weird, so that's why they ended up naming me Noah.

The number 8. It’s the oldies that my dad, my brother, and I listen to while painting in the blazing sun. The number 8.

This past summer me and my brother were painting houses for my dad's company. I actually enjoyed it a lot. 

The oldies station would be playing throughout the whole workday. It would play what would turn into some of my favorite songs like, Brandy, Mr. Blue Sky, Rubberband man, and Build Me up Buttercup. Over the course of the summer the oldies would become my second or third favorite music genre.

I have always liked the name Ezra. I think it sounds elegant. Now would I change my name? Probably not. I don’t love my name but I also don’t hate it. I think that it fits me well, and represents who I am.

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