We Are Women. | Teen Ink

We Are Women.

June 2, 2022
By _fatimaakber_ SILVER, Lahore, Other
_fatimaakber_ SILVER, Lahore, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We Are Women. 

Those who raise you.

We Are Women.

The ones who taught you how to speak.

We Are Women.

Who you now use your voice against

We Are Women.

Who are stripped away from their rights.

We Are Women.

Who are treated less than human.

We Are The Women.

Who aren’t given basic education.

We Are The Women.

Who suffer the most from violence.

We Are The Women.

Who are forced to work in houses.

We Are The Women.

Who are abused.

We Are The Women.

Who are mistreated

We Are The Women.

Who want to make change.

We Are The Women.

That  end up taking care of the household.

We Are The Women.

Whom without, you would not be the person you are today.

The author's comments:

This piece talks about feminism, how women are the ones who raises a child, and yet those children turn away and abuse these women. this is to make change.

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