Origin | Teen Ink


September 27, 2022
By Anaklusmos-8-18 SILVER, Concord, Massachusetts
Anaklusmos-8-18 SILVER, Concord, Massachusetts
8 articles 1 photo 3 comments

I come from sneakers.

From winter scarves and mountains of jackets.

I am from the old white picket fence,

(Chipped paint,

Frost-covered spikes,

Brushing snow across its worn edge.)

I am from overflowing bookshelves, gateways to a fantasy realm.

From dog barks at 7 am,

Yanking my sleepless body from its soft, feathery cave.

I dwell in pines - my entrance to the clouds,

Bristly arms woven together into a tranquil canopy haven.

I am from blueberry picking and family gatherings,

Comforting sounds of laughter dancing across a table set for forty.

I’m from ancient lore, passed down for generations.

Myths and mysteries constantly lurking within the seams of my consciousness.

I’m from hurried wake-ups and late nights of warm smiles.

From thunder and lightning,

Soft rain caressing my scars and wounds.

I’m from “a penny for your thoughts” and “treat others as equals”.

I’m from mountains of notebooks,

Weathered pages of forgotten tales folding beneath my fingers.

But most of all, I am from rainbows.

From sparkling magenta, purple, blue,

And soft greys, pink, and white.

I come from vibrant flags,

And marches for equality.

Tales of truth, rejection, and longing for acceptance.

Story after story of multicoloured banners

And a strong community where ALL are valid.

I come from “love is love” and “born this way”.

From pride parades and pronoun pins.

From an embracing community flourishing within a society of prejudice.

From kind hearts pushing the boundaries of the world around them.

From stories thriving in spite of those who which to close them,

To lock them away for all eternity.

From courage and the urge to be ourselves.

For here, everyone is welcome.

Everyone is accepted.

Everyone is heard.

Everyone is seen.

The author's comments:

This piece is describing "where I'm from". The beginning and middle sections make up small elements of my identity, while the final section describes how the LGBTQIA+ community has helped me shape who I am and who I wish to be.

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