Letters | Teen Ink


April 29, 2023
By Anika-T- BRONZE, Round Rock, Texas
Anika-T- BRONZE, Round Rock, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last month I sent a letter in the mail

I sent it to your house

You haven’t written back yet

I guess you didn’t get it

So now I’m sending you a package

Of sticky notes

It weighs about a pound and this big

Maybe you’ll get that

I sent that box for an 

overnight shipment

It’s been about a week

I guess you didn’t get it

This time

I’m sending you a box

It weighs about ten pounds

Now I know they can’t lose it

Hey, it’s been three weeks

I think they lost the box

So I’m sending you a note

In a Nike box, ‘cause that’s your favorite shoe

It’s been a little while

Four weeks to be exact

So I ordered your phone book

Now I’m sending you a text

Hi, it’s me, your best friend

I hope you don’t think 

I’m a bad person because 

You never got my letters

Maybe that was the wrong number

Because you never 

Wrote back

Now I’m going to wait, for you to send me a letter

Hey, it’s been a year

I just found your boxes,

I still have a letter

I just want to say, Hi.

The author's comments:

  I wrote this poem from a personal experience, while my friend was in the hospital I sent him notes every week and a small package every once and a while. He never wrote back but his parents told me he really appreciated the notes, so I kept writing. Eventually, I sent video messages instead so he could get them faster. After a while, I put together a big package to send to him with some things that reminded me of him, but I never got to send it to him in the end. 

  I wrote this poem to help me get out my feelings, the poem isn't supposed to be sad, it makes me smile, and I want others to also smile reading this poem. I want people to know to keep trying even if it takes a long time, just keep trying. 

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