My Space | Teen Ink

My Space

May 31, 2023
By Kay1001 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
Kay1001 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Space is the comfort of my deep needs

In control of the peaceful surroundings 

The pieces of literature, I read

My music, leaping off the walls, rebounding 

The candle burns with kin to the suns glaze

Giving my room a heavenly shadow

Presenting a gold, brawn, and soothing shade

Brings a fine scene to a room that's narrow

I enjoy my aloneness to myself

Providing quiet to my troubled mind

Yes, I won’t dare try to lie to thyself

This is an isolation, feelings find

But, I do yearn for someone to speak to

Within a space we both relate and do

The author's comments:

Shakespeare sonnet piece about aloneness with a twist at the end.

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