my family is proud | Teen Ink

my family is proud

September 27, 2023
By AHSWRITER120 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSWRITER120 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Flipping across the bar,

makes me feel like I’m flying.

As I run through the course,

I feel my heart pounding.

When I jump in the pit,

I feel like an eagle.

Running as fast as a cheetah,

I sprint to the finish line.

Jumping off the beam,

I stick my dismount.

After the Verona Race,

my friends congratulate me.

Out of breath to even speak,

I cheer for all my friends.

Feeling relieved this was over,

I got handed a medal.

Celebrating at home,

as my family is proud.

I lay in bed,

feeling accomplished.

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