Last Night I Dreamt... | Teen Ink

Last Night I Dreamt...

September 28, 2023
By 5brunner GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5brunner GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt that I was sitting in a cafe in Paris with Jennifer Lawrence. Outside, there was a downfall of rain and seahorses were floating in the sky. We were drinking strawberry lemonade while Elvis Presley played over the speakers, singing “Welcome to your life; there’s no turning back. Even while we sleep, we will find you…” Jennifer told me about her dreams of becoming a Broadway actress and I told her “Slayyyy.”

Next thing I know, I woke up on the shore of Ottawa Lake and there were a bunch of magenta stilettos on the shore. I asked Jennifer how many stilettos there were and she told me that there were 148,241 pairs. I asked her, “Why?”, and she told me it was because of “mi cumpleaños.” I looked toward the water to find VC Andrews standing in it, about to submerge herself! I looked back at Jennifer only to find her asleep on the shore. “Stop!” I cried out, and suddenly I was transferred back to the cafe. I was at the same counter, and turned to my right to find Nicholas eating an omelette. I smiled as he told me I had beautiful hair and I looked towards the door as a unicorn walked in. I wanted to touch it but I was afraid it would be detrimental to the unicorn so I backed away. 

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