Nature's Blanket | Teen Ink

Nature's Blanket

October 18, 2023
By 5brunner GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5brunner GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Snuggled up in my warm bed, encompassed by several blankets, 

I open my weary eyes and peek around my darkened bedroom.

The clock alongside my bed boldly reads 5:19 a.m. and now as I lie wide awake, 

an endless stream of thoughts begins to race through my mind. 

Abruptly, my thoughts are overrun by the whistle of the wind, and I rush out of bed in the direction of my window

with the excitement of a child on Christmas morning.

I am thrilled to see what awaits on the other side of the window; frosted, crispy, flakes of snow are gravitating toward the ground.

The blanket of white has already covered the withered grass and the pavement, 

the wind howls and cries out in despair. 

The sun starts to creep up, creating a splash of color in the sky.

I can barely ignore the heavenly view that calls me outside, yet I swiftly shut the curtains and get dressed. 

Ready for the day, my sister and I set out, the wonder of winter has been enhanced by the morning light that wakes the rest of nature.

We glance around outside for a moment, the world seems to pause. 

I know in that moment, then and there, that

this peace will stay in my heart all day;

this peace will stay in my heart for eternity.

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