Two Houses | Teen Ink

Two Houses

November 6, 2023
By 4mullettn GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4mullettn GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“It's not so bad,” they say.

“You get two Christmases,” they say. 

“Two birthdays too,” they say. 

I guess it's not so bad

Being told left and right it's not so bad

It's not so bad because you don’t have to hear them fight

Not so bad because you get two of everything

Not so bad; it's better this way

It seems better at first 

Two homes is your normal

Two families is your normal

But then you grow up

And you see other families

Until you realize it's not

It's not better at all

Because unlike other kids

You have two christmases

And two birthdays

And two houses

Family dinners 

Family vacations 

Family outings 

Family this…family that

All filled with laughter you have never heard

Having two backpacks

One for school 

One for clothes and makeup 

Living out of this one bag 

Because unlike other kids

You have two christmases

And two birthdays

And two houses

I have a home

I have two

But still I feel homesick 

When I see my friends 

Who only have one

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