Running for the Feels | Teen Ink

Running for the Feels

November 6, 2023
By vinson_sherman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
vinson_sherman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fear, anxiety fills my body, seeping into every crack and crevice,

makes me question myself, Why do I do this sport? Will I fail myself?

Building up to the max, I’m about to burst as if I’m a volcano

Bang! The gun goes off, the race starts

Avid, adrenaline runs through me, like lightning in the clouds,

makes me push to stay with the crowd, following one another like lemmings

Teammates pushing me further, staying by my side, stride for stride

Sucked dry of energy, the second mile continues as hot and heavy

Anger, the drive behind each step, fire following each step,

makes me speed up, passing one, two, now three people

I keep my pace, gliding past the competition like a cheetah in the savanna

Final push and I’m through the finish, the anger is flushed away 

Joy, basking in the glory as one would do with the sun,

makes me open my arms wide for the accomplishment, it doesn’t hesitate to come

The exhaustion and aches and pains are gone, as if they weren’t there before

Starting with doubt, I finish with the answer

I run to chase these moments of victory

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