Remembering Anne | Teen Ink

Remembering Anne

November 28, 2023
By Lucycarlier SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
Lucycarlier SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are”- Marilyn Monroe

Hours on end

Not a word spoken

Not a step taken 




When will it end, Anne never knew 

But still she had hope 

As the gestapo kept on marching through 

Anne was surrounded with war, fear, and greed 

But that was not what she chose to see

Anne soared high like a bird above the hatred her world was consumed with

Day after day 

Hours on end 

Not a word spoken

Not a step taken




Night after night she had to share her space  

With an old man more than three times her age

She still did not become as bitter as her new roommate Mr.Dussel 

Peter and Moushci were her friends 

But with Mr and Mrs Van Daan her days seemed to have no ends

Night after night she got busy writing in her fabric bound journal with a button to close it

She dragged her pen across the coarse journal paper creating swooping letters that said that food was scarce in the secret annex 

But Mr.Van Daan didn’t seem to hear that 

Night after night he stole food from the pantry

But the worst part is that he blamed it on Peter’s cat mouschi

Two years she was suffocated in an attic of a factory 

The only dose of the outside world she got was from Miep; the woman who sacrificed herself for them every single day 

From the first day when the Franks ran away Anne was not content 

She longed to be outdoors 

To hear the wind whispering in her ears 

And to once again be embraced by the sun’s  warm light 

For in the annex she was the light 

Like a lantern at the bottom of the trenches

She was hope for all the other pessimistic people who surrounded her in the annex

But she still craved to be outdoors 


While Hitler planned for their total annihilation

Anne dreamt about her future freedom

Day after day

Hours on end 

Not a word spoken 

Not a step taken




But still she believed in a greater good 

One she believed that was in even nazis 

Even when the green police erupted through the bookcase 

Before the men and women poisoned  by hitler and his propaganda

Anne still found the good 

At last she felt the sun’s embrace 

It didn’t matter she was in a concentration camp 

shipped far away from her father and Peter

She still had hope

Hope that she carried with her as her eyes shut for the last time

Millions of people around the world who learned of Anne like me 

But how will I bear witness?

How will I spread her hope? 

I will continue to do the right thing even if it is the hard thing 

I will point out the injustices I see 

But most of all I will remember 

Remember that even in a place surrounded by hate and evil 

I can still find the hope in the world

Just like Anne did

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the stories of Anne Frank’s diaries. 

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