behind the shadows | Teen Ink

behind the shadows

January 24, 2024
By Jonkawonka GOLD, Tirana, Other
Jonkawonka GOLD, Tirana, Other
11 articles 1 photo 0 comments

In the olden days of 1880s lore, A rich family's story, secrets at its core. They adopted a boy, a murderer's son, A plan to inherit the fortune had begun. Together with their own, two brothers grew, One evil in secret, a plan to pursue. At eighteen, he asked to inherit the gold, His father agreed, his fate then told. In the shadows, the evil brother struck, With a hidden dagger, the father's luck. The truth revealed, was brought to light, The good one swore that he would put an end to the fight. A fight erupted, brother versus brother, In the mansion's halls, unlike any other. A ruthless battle, for what was right, The good brother won, ending the night. But the mansion cried, its walls could tell, A family story, shadows fell, Two brothers torn, the end of a quest. In olden days, where secrets rest.

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