A Faint Consciousness | Teen Ink

A Faint Consciousness

July 14, 2024
By susanna_poetry BRONZE, San Jose, California
susanna_poetry BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Scorching heat tides cascaded down from the shower.

Her hair strands itched for relief as the heat dominated her body’s warmth.

Those same strands constantly screamed in agony for the warmth to cease. 

Consciousness slowly unraveled as the intricate golden thread ran farther from her grasp. 

She was unaware of the acute pair of scissors that was ready to chop the radiance of the golden thread and diminish the life she had left. 

Her body was substantially heavy causing her knees to tremble with fear. 

She lost control and chaos entangled her drowning her in the poisonous water. 

Glass shattered, dispersing rapidly; Thus, shards etched each wall with their transparent remains

Ringing was all she could hear, her senses slowly lost their parallel to the mortal realm. 

Paralyzed and numb, her eye sockets dug into her skin. 

Time evaded the rules, she was in a trance locked away from the so-called family

Drop by drop the horrendous flame of the coral swirls dyed the entire sea of water. 

Attempting to move her forearm she managed to slightly touch the gash through her back. 

It shattered her soul to know that the scar would never seal, never be sown back together. 

The family came, suspicious of her long-term absence, desperately attempting to reap a garden of roses from the pool of wine.  

Blame was thrown at her forcefully in an attempt to conceal their guilt. 

Save me she prayed, save me from the chains stapling my veins to the Earth. 

The chains unclasped eventually, but crimson marks remained latched onto her pale olive skin. 

Reincarnation seemed like a blessing in that moment; To let go of the body compressing her lungs. 

No one knew about that night, the night she shook hands with death. 

She always laughs with her mouth but not with her eyes, nevertheless, she laughs.

In the laughter she wears on her lips, she conceals death's handshake

A contradiction where joy veils the lingering shadows of an unspoken pact with the abyss.

Battles within her soul continue, grappling with forgetting that reminiscence for it eats her alive.

The author's comments:

the emotional navigation of loosing consciousness and family burden

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