Birmingham Campaign | Teen Ink

Birmingham Campaign

July 18, 2024
By Anonymous

Birmingham Campaign, 1963

In Birmingham, the streets did cry

a city's heart beneath the sky.


With voices strong, they took a stand,


for justice, peace, across the land. 


The chains pg hate, like iron bars,

We're shattered by their burning stars. 

A river flowed of hopes and dreams,

Through silent nights and day light beams.


The drum of freedom, loud and clear,

Echoed far, both far and near.

Injustice fell, like autumn leaves,

As courage grew from deep beliefs.


Their spirits soared, like eagle's flight, through darkest days and longest night.

With every step, the ground did quake,


In Birmingham, they did awake. 


The walls of hate began to fall with every chant and every call. 

A symphony of change was sung,

By old and young, by every tongue. 


In Birmingham, they made their mark, a beacon bright in history's dark. 

For unity, they paved the way,

And still inspired us today.

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