A dream | Teen Ink

A dream

November 11, 2009
By AnneMarrie BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
AnneMarrie BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Suppose you’re dreaming. You see the ground and hear the splashes your feet make, as you walk on the small puddles of the forest. Touching all around, your hands exploring the trees, and feeling the leaves.

An unfamiliar sound you hear coming from the bushes that you have recently passed.

You turn around as quickly as you can, but what had been there had gone,

Cautious, you turn back around and start walking forward, walking quickly as if running.

Finally you get out of the forest and find yourself looking at the city from up top of the hill.

The author's comments:
This Is A Dream I Once Had, I Just decided to write it down

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