Sand Under My Feet | Teen Ink

Sand Under My Feet

December 13, 2009
By monkeholic SILVER, Calabasas,, California
monkeholic SILVER, Calabasas,, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always.&quot;<br /> -Gandhi

Sand under my feet
remember me
through time
through tears
through love

Sand under my feet
please hear my voice
Its quiet now
and not enough

Sand under my feet
when my feet are gone
will you remember the feel of my toes

Sand under my feet
I’ll remember you
and your touch, like a red, red rose

Sand under my feet
I know you fade
erode into the ocean’s embrace

Sand under my feet
I'm asking you
to never forget my face

The author's comments:
I am worried that my life will not make the impact I desire on the world. But I will continue to make my own effort to inspire. All I can hope for, is the childish dream to change the world. Although, maybe it isn't so childish after all. Maybe we all really can shine a light through the darkness.

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